Gina Smith was elected to fulfill the position of Councillor in the PSTA! Gina began her teaching career in Northwest School Division in 2008 and was an active member of the North West Teachers’ Association.  Gina also taught in Shellbrook and was an active PAATA member and now is teaching in Borden.

Welcome Gina!

Nominations are open for the position of PSTA Councillor

Prairie Spirit Teachers’ Association

STF Councillor Vacancy 

STF Councillors sit on the PSTA Executive and represent teachers within the STF. They also attend annual meetings of Council where they learn about educational issues in Saskatchewan, elect the STF Executive, and discuss and debate resolutions to guide the Federation.

Nominations are now open – an election will be held on October 16th at the Representative Assembly.  PSTA members are invited to submit nominations to fill a councillor vacancy on the current PSTA Executive. The term will be from Oct 16, 2018-June 30, 2019.

Please use this nomination form below and forward completed nominations to Returning Officer Mark Perry( – cc PSTA President Brian Knowles. (

PSTA Nomination Form for 2018-2019 – councillor vacancy

Candidates for the position of PSTA Councillor

Gina Smith


Dustin Chahley

Nominations Open for PSTA Councillor

STF Councillors sit on the PSTA Executive and represent teachers within the STF. They also attend annual meetings of Council where they learn about educational issues in Saskatchewan, elect the STF Executive, and discuss and debate resolutions to guide the Federation.

Nominations are now open – an election will be held on October 16th at the Representative Assembly.  PSTA members are invited to submit nominations to fill a Councillor vacancy on the current PSTA Executive. The term will be from Oct 16, 2018-June 30, 2019.

GO TO the ELECTIONS TAB to find the PSTA Nomination form and biographies for the candidates to date,  Gina Smith and Dustin Chahley.

Welcome Back

Welcome back to another school year in Prairie Spirit! Here are a few updates you might want to know:

  • In order to reduce the number of meetings for SSLs, we are coordinating our first representative assembly to coincide with the STF SSL Forum in October. Consequently, we are still waiting to confirm that date, but we will let SSLs know asap.
  • We have a vacant councillor position. A call for nominations will be made shortly.
  • The PSTA Executive is meeting with the Honourable Gord Wyant on Sept 20th.
  • SPDU is hosting an Adaptive Schools Seminar in 2019. adaptive_schools_foundation_flyer

2018-2019 PSTA Election Results

Thank you and congratulations to everyone who has been elected/acclaimed to serve on the PSTA Executive and standing committees!

Also, thank you to those currently serving on the PSTA Executive and standing committees who will not be returning next year. Your contributions to the teachers of Prairie Spirit are greatly appreciated!

The following position has been elected by a vote of the Representative Assembly:

Vice-President/STF Councillor: Sherry Nadeau (Osler School)

The following positions have been appointed by acclamation:

STF Councillors

  • Jason Brose (Colonsay School)
  • Janet Grant (Osler School)
  • Deanna Koroluk (Warman Community Middle School)
  • Amy Orth (Lake Vista)
  • Jill Paulsen (Lake Vista)
  • Cary Pepper-Martens (Dalmeny High School)
  • Mark Perry (Warman High School)
  • Chad Williams (Clavet Composite School)
  • Scott Woods-Fehr (Warman Middle School)

As per Section 12.2.4 of the PSTA Constitution, the Executive will call for an election to fill the STF Councillor vacancy.

Local Implementation and Negotiation Committee (LINC)

  • Zlatan Cilimdzic (Rosthern Elementary)
  • Brenda Epp (Rosthern High School)
  • Kirsten Tucker (South Corman Park School)
  • JoAnne Lapierre (Waldheim School)

PD Committee

  • Kirsten Dyck (Dalmeny High School)
  • Carmen Kingsbury (Valley Manor)
  • Marcy Racicot (Valley Manor)
  • Chad Williams (Clavet Composite School)
  • Heather Wolfe (Traditions Elementary School)

Communications Committee


As per Section 12.2.3 of the PSTA Constitution the Executive shall appoint members to fill vacancies on LINC and the Communications Committee.


Nominees for PSTA President:

Nominations for PSTA President close on Thursday February 8, 2018.

Brian Knowles

I have served as PSTA President since April 2017, and look forward to the opportunity to continue in this role for the 2018-2020 term. As President, I have worked to create and promote opportunities for teachers to engage in the work of our local, and pursue our collective interests. Central to these interests is our professional responsibility to support learning, as an association, we do this through the work of our committees. Their work always leads back to supporting student learning, whether it be securing working conditions that promote teacher wellness through LINC, collaborating with PSSD to ensure professional learning opportunities meet the needs of our members, responding to issues of teacher time and workload intensification with PSSD Sr. Administration, or supporting teachers in their political engagement. Improvements to the learning conditions of students are also improvements to the working conditions of teachers.

As President, I will engage our members, PSSD, and the STF to positively affect teaching and learning conditions, so we are supported in our goal of developing lifelong learners.

I hope to continue to represent our association and increase opportunities for our members to influence teaching and learning in Prairie Spirit.


Brian Knowles