10.1.1 The Prairie Spirit Teachers’ Association will provide a student scholarship.
10.1.2 The method of awarding the scholarships shall be through one of the following methods as determined by the representative assembly:
a) Partnership with Prairie Spirit School Division
b) Process administered by the Association
10.1.3 The amount of the scholarship will be determined annually as part of the Association budget. Changes in contributions must be approved through the budget process or through a motion of the executive within the approved budget.
10.1.4 A Student Scholarship Committee consisting of the PSTA President, Vice President, and three PSTA members appointed by the Executive will, independently or in collaboration with Prairie Spirit School Division, establish criteria, an application process, and an adjudication process.
10.2. Sterling McDowell Foundation
10.2.1 The Prairie Spirit Teachers’ Association should contribute on an annual basis to the foundation at a rate determined by the budget.