PSTA Constitution (2023) (pdf)
PSTA Constitution (2018)
- 1. Name
- 1.1 The name of this local shall be Prairie Spirit Teachers’ Association.
- 1.2 The short form of the association shall be PSTA.
- 2. Membership
- 2.1 The members of this local association are:
- 2.1.1 Members of the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation employed by Prairie Spirit School Division No. 206.
- 2.1.2 Substitute teachers who have substituted in Prairie Spirit School Division No. 206 and have become members of this local for the current school year under applicable STF Bylaw(s) and as defined by PSTA policy.
- 2.1.3 Under some conditions, associate membership in the PSTA may be provided to superannuated teachers, teachers in First Nations schools and others who possess a teacher’s certificate. The rights and privileges of associate members will be limited according to PSTA policy.
- 2.1 The members of this local association are:
- 3. Purposes
- 3.1 It is the purpose of the local association to:
- (1) Further the objectives of the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation provincially and locally.
- (2) Support the professional growth of members.
- (3) Bargain collectively on behalf of members for a local collective bargaining agreement subject to the local bargaining provisions of The Education Act, 1995.
- (4) Ensure effective communications between members and the Federation.
- (5) Ensure effective representation of members in Federation affairs.
- 3.2 As per STF Bylaw 4, Section 4.5, the PSTA shall not make any representation to the provincial government or any member, branch or agency thereof without the explicit approval of the STF Executive
- 3.1 It is the purpose of the local association to:
- 4. Fees
- 4.1 The local may levy a fee upon its members to support the work of the local association.
- 4.2 Any fee must be approved by the members voting at a general assembly meeting.
- 4.3 The local may levy differentiated membership fees based on proportion of contract time and for substitute teachers.
- 4.4 Every member is obligated to pay to the local association any fee that is duly levied and failure to pay such fees shall be considered a matter contrary to the collective interests of teachers.
- 4.5 The association fees will be collected at a time and by a method as defined by PSTA policy.
- 4.6 Associate membership fees may be set through a decision by the executive.
- 5. Rules of Procedure
- 5.1 All meetings of the general assembly and representative assembly shall be conducted in accordance with STF Council Procedures or Robert’s Rules of Order. The specific procedure will be determined and communicated to the members by the chair.
- 5.2 Notwithstanding anything contained in this constitution, the executive may determine that a general meeting, meeting of the representative assembly or meeting of the executive be held entirely by means of telephonic, electronic or other communications facility. In the event such a meeting is to be held, the executive shall, notwithstanding anything contained in this constitution, establish the procedures for the conduct thereof including, without limitation, the procedures for voting by telephonic, electronic or other communications facility. The procedures shall be communicated to participants prior to the meeting commencing.
- 5.3 The executive may authorize absent individuals to electronically attend meetings that are being held in-person.
- 6. Affiliation
- 6.1 The local is affiliated with Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation. The constitution and policies of the local association must be consistent with the legislation, bylaws and policies of the STF.
- 6.1 The local is affiliated with Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation. The constitution and policies of the local association must be consistent with the legislation, bylaws and policies of the STF.
- 7. Governance Organization
- 7.1 General Assembly
- 7.1.1 The general assembly consists of all PSTA members.
- 7.1.2 The association shall hold a meeting of all members at least once annually.
- 7.1.3 Notwithstanding 7.1.2, the Executive may, in exigent circumstances, delay, postpone or re-schedule the Annual General Meeting to a date, place and time to be determined by the Executive.
- 7.1.4 The executive is able to call a special meeting of the general assembly through a majority vote.
- 7.1.5 The representative assembly is able to call a special meeting of the general assembly through a majority vote.
- 7.1.6 A petition signed by 25% of members shall result in a special meeting of the general assembly.
- 7.1.7 50% plus one of the membership must be present to constitute a valid meeting of the general assembly.
- 7.1.8 Authority and responsibilities of the general assembly include:
- (1) approve fees and annual budget
- (2) approve audited financial statements
- (3) approve proposed amendments to the constitution
- (4) Receive the annual reports from members of the executive
- 7.2 Representative Assembly
- 7.2.1 The representative assembly consists of school staff liaisons elected by the members in designated schools or areas as well as members of the executive.
- 7.2.2 School staff liaisons will be determined by the following formula: staffs or areas with fewer than 15 members shall elect one school staff liaison. An additional school staff liaison shall be elected for each additional 15 members, or fraction thereof. A part time teacher, or fraction thereof, would be considered one (1) member.
- 7.2.3 The association shall hold a representative assembly a minimum of three (3) times per school year.
- 7.2.4 The executive is able to call a representative assembly through a majority vote.
- 7.2.5 A petition signed by 25% of members of the representative assembly shall result in a meeting of the representative assembly.
- 7.2.6 Authority and responsibilities of the representative assembly include:
- (1) Act as the intermediary decision-making body between the membership and the executive.
- (2) Approval of draft budgets for consideration by members
- (3) Adoption of policies
- (4) Election of a vice president
- (5) Election of STF councillors
- (6) Election of a local implementation and negotiation committee (LINC)
- (7) Election of a professional development committee
- (8) Election of a communications committee
- (9) Consideration of reports and information from committees
- (10) Consideration of reports and information from educational partners and the STF
- (11) Approval of resolutions to be considered by the STF Council on behalf of Prairie Spirit Teachers’ Association.
- 7.3 Executive
- 7.3.1 The executive has the authority to act as the voice of the members of the local in speaking with the STF, other locals, the board of education, and educational stakeholders within the division.
- 7.3.2 The executive arranges for the effective operation of the local, the provision of services to members, and the appointment of members to local committees.
- 7.3.3 The executive makes decisions to carry out the purposes of the local in accordance with the policies, budgets and directions established by the general assembly and/or the representative assembly.
- 7.3.4 The executive shall consist of a past president (if applicable); president; vice president; STF councillors; LINC chair; professional development chair; communications chair; secretary; and treasurer.
- 7.3.5 The secretary and treasurer are not voting members of the executive.
- 7.3.6 The term of office for all executive members, excluding the president, shall be from July 1 to June 30. The term of office for the president shall be for two years, from July 1 of the first year of election to office to June 30 of the second year of election to office.
- 7.3.7 For the purposes of making decisions, quorum will be established as 50% plus 1 of the executive members
- 7.3.8 The executive may extend voting privileges in decision making to members of standing committees who are in attendance at a meeting of the executive.
- 7.3.9 The executive must meet a minimum of seven (7) times per year.
- 7.3.10 The executive and/or president has the authority to appoint ad hoc committee members.
- 7.1 General Assembly
- 8. Committees
- 8.1 The local association may appoint such advisory, reference or operating committees, both standing and ad hoc, as it finds necessary to support the work of the local.
- 8.2 In the event that a minimum number of committee members stated in the constitution are not available, a committee may still stand on the approval of the executive.
- 8.3 The local association will maintain the following standing committees:
- 8.3.1 Liaison Committee
- (1) The liaison committee shall promote the local association to the board of education
- (2) The liaison committee shall be the president, vice president and STF councillors
- (3) The term of office shall be from July 1 to June 30
- (4) The liaison committee shall meet at the request of the board of education, and/or, request of division administration staff and/or association executive
- (5) The liaison committee may request a meeting with the board of education upon approval of the executive.
- 8.3.2 Partnership Advisory Committee
- (1) The partnership advisory committee shall discuss issues of interest with division administration.
- (2) The partnership advisory committee shall consist of the past president (if applicable), president, vice president and the chair or a representative from the local implementation and negotiation committee, professional development committee, and the STF councillor team.
- (3) The term of office shall be July 1 to June 30.
- (4) The committee may meet with other stakeholders within the educational community.
- 8.3.3 Superannuation Recognition Committee
- (1) The superannuation recognition committee shall promote the annual recognition of superannuates.
- (2) The superannuation recognition committee shall be the president, vice president, and two additional members appointed by the president.
- (3) The term of office shall be from July 1 to June 30.
- (4) Committee members will choose a chair who will call meetings as needed.
- 8.3.4 Social Committee
- (1) The social committee will organize and promote social activities for members.
- (2) Members of the social committee will be appointed by the executive.
- 8.3.5 Local Implementation and Negotiation Committee
- (1) Committee members will be elected by the representative assembly.
- (2) The LINC committee will consist of six members and the president.
- (3) Members of the committee, excluding the president, shall be assigned to represent a geographical region of the local.
- (4) The term of office shall be from July 1 to June 30.
- (5) Committee members will choose a chair who will serve on the executive.
- 8.3.6 Professional Development Committee
- (1) Committee members will be elected by the representative assembly.
- (2) The professional development committee will consist of five members.
- (3) The term of office shall be from July 1 to June 30.
- (4) Committee members will choose a chair who will serve on the executive.
- (5) Shall carry out the duties as described in the PSTA Policy and Guidelines.
- 8.3.7 Communications Committee
- (1) Committee members will be elected by the representative assembly
- (2) The communications committee will consist of three members.
- (3) The term of office shall be from July 1 to June 30.
- (4) Committee members will choose a chair who will serve on the executive.
- (5) Shall carry out the duties as described in the PSTA Policy and Guidelines.
- 8.3.1 Liaison Committee
- 9. Local Association Officers and Officials
- 9.1 The representative assembly is invested with the authority to make decisions regarding the policies and guidelines of the local association.
- 9.2 The president of the local presides over all the functions and activities of the local and exercises authority as the local’s chief officer.
- 9.3 The secretary and treasurer shall be appointed by the president with the approval of the executive.
- 9.4 All executive members shall carry out their duties and responsibilities as outlined in PSTA policy.
- 9.5 The executive is invested with the authority to make decisions regarding the practices and procedures of the executive.
- 9.6 The president and vice president shall be STF councillors of the local.
- 9.7 The STF councillor team of the local shall:
- (1) Select a chair of the councillor team.
- (2) Assign councillors to represent a geographical region of the local.
- (3) Ensure that the president and vice-president do not represent a geographical area.
- (4) Receive and direct issues related to the local and STF from the president, executive, councillors, or members.
- 10. Local Collective Bargaining
- 10.1 The Local Implementation and Negotiation Committee shall negotiate collective agreements with the Prairie Spirit School Division in accordance with The Education Act, 1995.
- 10.2 The Local Implementation and Negotiation Committee shall seek input from members to inform the bargaining process.
- 10.3 The Local Implementation and Negotiation Committee shall ensure that a vote on tentative local agreements occur as set out in PSTA policy.
- 10.4 The Local Implementation and Negotiation Committee may liaise with the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation and other LINCs on matters related to bargaining.
- 10.5 The Local Implementation and Negotiation Committee shall monitor the implementation of local and provincial collective agreements.
- 11. Financial Matters
- 11.1 Honoraria, remuneration or release time may be provided to local association officers through a decision of the representative assembly or general assembly.
- 11.2 The executive shall reimburse officers and members for expenses incurred for services rendered to the local.
- 11.3 The representative assembly has the authority to make decisions regarding remuneration for the officers who sit on the executive.
- 11.4 An individual who is not a member of the local shall be appointed annually by the executive to audit the financial records of the local. The general assembly shall receive the audited financial statement for each year.
- 11.4.1 The audit or review shall confirm adherence to the standards provided by Chartered Professional Accountants Canada.
- 11.4.2 The audit or review shall be approved at a meeting open to all members.
- 11.5 A committee consisting of the president and treasurer shall prepare a preliminary budget with input from all committees.
- 11.6 Upon approval of the preliminary budget, by the executive, the executive shall set the fees for the following school year.
- 11.7 At a representative assembly, the treasurer shall present the proposed budget to the assembly for the approval or amendment.
- 11.8 At a general assembly meeting, the treasurer shall present the budget to the members for approval or amendment.
- 11.9 If the budget is amended, the executive may adjust the fees to reflect the budgetary change.
- 11.10 Remuneration may be provided to officers or officials through a decision of the representative assembly or general meeting.
- 11.11 All expenses require executive approval prior to payment, unless the executive designates such approval to another individual.
- 11.12 Motions involving expenses $1,000.00 or more shall require a two-thirds majority approval.
- 11.13 Three officers shall have signing authority. All payments of monies shall require at least two signatures. Individuals shall not sign for payments to themselves.
- 11.14 The local association shall establish financial policies that clearly define the administration of, management of expenses, conflicts of interest, payments and other matters, which ensure financial practices are transparent and accountable based on generally accepted accounting principles.
- 12. Election to and Removal from Office
- 12.1 Elections
- 12.1.1 Members are eligible for election to the executive and/or standing committees as permitted by the Constitution and/or PSTA Policy.
- 12.1.2 A member may hold more than one position within the local.
- 12.1.3 A member of the local will be elected by the general membership to the position of president prior to the general assembly meeting before July 1 of the first year of each term of office. The president shall be elected by secret ballot.
- 12.1.4 Members of the local will be elected at a representative assembly meeting to the following positions prior to July 1 of each year:
- (1) vice-president
- (2) STF councillors
- (3) Local Implementation and Negotiation Committee
- (4) Professional Development Committee
- (5) Communication Committee
- 12.1.5 Members of the local will be elected by the specified schools or groups of members to the position of school staff liaison at or before school opening of each year.
- 12.1.6 The procedure for elections shall be determined by the policies and guidelines.
- 12.1.7 In circumstances where a representative assembly meeting for the purpose of electing Executive members cannot be held prior to the expiration of the term of office for Executive members, the members of the Executive, whose terms are set to expire, will have their terms of office extended until after the representative assembly meeting of the membership at which the regular election takes place.
- 12.2 Substitutions and Vacancies
- 12.2.1 A vacancy is defined as a resignation, removal from office or unfilled positions.
- 12.2.2 In the event of an extended absence, the executive shall, if necessary, with all deliberate speed appoint a substitute for the position.
- 12.2.3 In the event of an elected office other than councillor or school staff liaison becoming vacant, the executive shall with all deliberate speed appoint a successor for the remainder of that term of office.
- 12.2.4 If a position of STF councillor or vice-president becomes vacant, the executive shall call for an election to fill the vacancy.
- 12.2.5 If a duly elected councillor is unable to attend a meeting of the STF Council, the local association may appoint a substitute for the absent STF councillors and the president shall notify the STF executive director of the substitution prior to the opening day of the meeting of Council.
- 12.2.6 If a position of school staff liaison becomes vacant, the designated school or area shall elect a replacement for the remainder of the term of office.
- 12.3 Removal of Officers
- 12.3.1 A motion to remove or sanction an officer shall only be considered and conducted under the following conditions:
- (1) That in the opinion of an executive officer, the conduct of an[y] other officer has resulted in such negative effect so as to impede the work of the local association;
- (2) That a special meeting of the executive shall be called by the president or vice-president when any executive officer requests in writing to meet to deliberate on the question of removal or sanction and that the meeting occur within ten days of receipt of request;
- (3) That a motion to remove or sanction an officer require approval by two thirds of the executive as a whole; and,
- (4) That the officer about whose conduct is in question be given notice of the criticism not less than 48 hours in advance of the special meeting
- (5) The executive, upon completion of an investigation and decision on the matter of removal or sanction of an officer must call a special meeting of the representative assembly within one month of said decision to inform the assembly of the matter.
- 12.3.1 A motion to remove or sanction an officer shall only be considered and conducted under the following conditions:
- 12.1 Elections
- 13. Constitutional Amendments
- 13.1 The constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting at a general assembly meeting:
- (1) After a notice of motion to amend is given to the members in writing and a recorded vote taken and presented to the executive.
- (2) Provided the notice of motion has been made available in writing at least three days prior to the general assembly meeting.
- 13.1 The constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting at a general assembly meeting:
- 14. Dissolution of the Local Association
- 14.1 The local may be dissolved by a majority vote of the membership.
- 14.2 By a motion of the executive, provision should be made for the disposition of any assets possessed by the local.
- 14.3 By a motion of the executive, provision should be made for the disposition of records and archival material possessed by the local.