Nominees for PSTA President:

Nominations for PSTA President close on Thursday February 8, 2018.

Brian Knowles

I have served as PSTA President since April 2017, and look forward to the opportunity to continue in this role for the 2018-2020 term. As President, I have worked to create and promote opportunities for teachers to engage in the work of our local, and pursue our collective interests. Central to these interests is our professional responsibility to support learning, as an association, we do this through the work of our committees. Their work always leads back to supporting student learning, whether it be securing working conditions that promote teacher wellness through LINC, collaborating with PSSD to ensure professional learning opportunities meet the needs of our members, responding to issues of teacher time and workload intensification with PSSD Sr. Administration, or supporting teachers in their political engagement. Improvements to the learning conditions of students are also improvements to the working conditions of teachers.

As President, I will engage our members, PSSD, and the STF to positively affect teaching and learning conditions, so we are supported in our goal of developing lifelong learners.

I hope to continue to represent our association and increase opportunities for our members to influence teaching and learning in Prairie Spirit.


Brian Knowles