9.1 PSTA members shall be eligible for mileage reimbursement for committees, meetings, or events required by the division and/or other meetings or purposes that are approved by the Director.
9.2 Mileage claims will be at the Board rate based on the PSSD distance chart.
9.2.1 Mileage claims shall be based on any additional mileage beyond the regular daily mileage that a staff member would travel to and from their location of work.
9.2.2 A Teacher in a Division office-based role or assignment who must travel as a condition of employment shall have any mileage above the regular expected travel distance reimbursed at the Board rate. The supervisor shall establish a home office location in consultation with the Teacher.
9.3 Administrator approved reimbursement for lodging and meals will be at the Board rate with proof of receipt.
9.4 When an Administrator approves any other expenses, the Teacher will be reimbursed with proof of receipt.
9.5 A Teacher in a Division office-based role or assignment who must maintain a membership in another professional organization as a condition of employment will have the membership fee paid by PSSD.
9.6 Any Teacher serving as an extra-curricular coach, leader, or supervisor representing the school division for a competition beyond the school division and conference levels, and leading to a provincial competition, may claim reimbursement of expenses (accommodations, meals, mileage, and parking) as per Board rate when they reach the approved stage of provincial competition.
9.7 Any Teacher serving as an extra-curricular coach, leader, or supervisor representing the school division by special invitation or at a prestigious event may apply for the reimbursement of expenses as per Board rate.