6.1 Pay will be issued electronically on or before the 25th of each month.
6.2 Adjustments as a result of the provincial or LINC Agreement would be made at the earliest opportunity.
6.3 In the event of overpayment or underpayment, a process of reclaiming funds will be determined through mutual agreement.
6.3.1 The time for repayment is not to exceed 12 months and is to be resolved before the employee leaves employment of the school division.
6.3.2 Underpayments will be dealt with as soon as possible and must occur by the next pay period.
6.4 For any leave with loss of pay implications, notification needs to be submitted by the fifteenth (15) of the month to payroll if the Teacher wishes the pay to be reconciled during that month. See Section 12, regarding such leaves.
6.5 All Teachers new to PSSD will select either a 10 or 12 month pay option by August 31 of each year.
6.6 Changes to the pay option must be made by August 31 of each year. It is the Teacher’s responsibility to contact payroll.
6.7 PSTA fees are deducted electronically from the September to June pay cheques in ten equal installments. PSSD Finance is to receive written notification by August 31 of each year of the amount of the fees to be deducted.
6.8 In the event of a discrepancy that is discovered by either the Teacher or payroll, it is expected that the information regarding the discrepancy will be shared with all those involved and/or impacted.