8.1 Professional Development is defined as adult learning that enhances a Teacher’s skills, abilities, knowledge, and/or qualifications for the purpose of supporting student learning.
8.2 Professional Development funds are to be determined annually based on the budgetary process. The funds will be dispersed to school budgets and other appropriate budgets. PSSD will report the Professional Development fund amount to the PSTA annually.
8.2.1 Professional Development funds are provided to:
a. Support achievement of school, division, and provincial learning goals
b. Enhance professional competencies of Teachers
c. Enhance professional reflection to support student learning and development
d. Facilitate collaboration between Teachers
e. Support needs specific to the context of the school
8.2.2 The process for the disbursement of funds within the school will be developed or reviewed annually in collaboration between Administrator(s) and Teachers. Requests shall demonstrate a:
a. Commitment to 8.2.1
b. Commitment to a follow up plan based on 8.2.1
8.2.3 Administrators will communicate the balance of Professional Development funds to Teachers twice a year.
8.3 A memo stating the calculation based on the minimum dollar amount per PSTA FTE will be provided to the PSTA President as soon as the amount is determined and the budget is approved.
8.4 PSSD will consult with the PSTA to support and inform the direction of PSSD professional development and to ensure the inclusion of Teacher voice and expertise.