2024-2025 PSTA Election Results

I am pleased to report the results of the PSTA Executive and Committee elections held at the PSTA Representative Assembly on May 21, 2024. Members of the Representative Assembly voted to elect our new executive and committee members for the 2024-2025 term. These elections are essential for determining the leadership and direction of our association, so it is notable this year that the number of nominees required elections for the Vice President, and the STF Councillors and LINC groups.

Vice President Election: Heather Wolfe has been re-elected as Vice President.

STF Councillors:

  1. Amanda Nelson (re-elected)
  2. Brett Berry (re-elected)
  3. Diana Jemieff-Hayes (re-elected)
  4. Dustin Chahley (re-elected)
  5. Justin Sauer (re-elected)
  6. Kathy Spence
  7. Lisa Kuchler
  8. Marcy Racicot (re-elected)
  9. Mark Perry (re-elected)
  10. Michelle Fong

Local Implementation and Negotiations Committee (LINC):

  1. Amanda Nelson (re-elected)
  2. Amy Orth (re-elected)
  3. Carmen Kingsbury (re-elected)
  4. Cary Pepper-Martens (re-elected)
  5. Heather Wolfe (re-elected)
  6. Jaren Vetter

Professional Development:

  1. Amy Korver (re-elected)
  2. Jen Mason
  3. Lisa Kuchler (re-elected)
  4. vacant 
  5. vacant


  1. Cary Pepper-Martens
  2. vacant
  3. vacant 

Two vacant positions remain on the Professional Development Committee and two vacant positions remain on the Communications Committee. The executive may appoint members to fill these vacancies (12.2.3 PSTA Constitution). Please contact PSTA President, Scott Woods-Fehr if you are interested in joining either committee. 

Thank you to all who participated and voted in the elections. Your involvement is crucial to the continued success of our association.