Get to Know your PSSD Trustee Candidates

The Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation asked Board Trustees candidates to complete a survey to provide voters with a clearer understanding of their positions in key education issues.

All 19 candidates were contacted and asked to complete the survey. Eight candidates completed the survey and we have their responses ready for you to download.

PSSD Board Trustees Survey Responses

Download the PDF  and share with your friends, family and neighbors.

Subdivision No.CommunitiesCandidate
* completed STF Survey in bold
1Blaine Lake, Laird, Leask, & Waldheim, & Green Leaf, Leask, and Riverbend ColoniesFriesen, Wendy
Wieler, Pamela
2Duck Lake, Hague & RosthernKading, Kate (Acclaimed)
3Borden & LanghamHosegood, Melissa
Maksymiw, Neil
Summach, Emily
4Dalmeny, Hepburn & OslerLalonde, Carrie
Willems, Christa-Ann
5Asquith, Perdue, & Eagle Creek & Sunnydale ColoniesFriesen, Cindy (Acclaimed)
6Delisle, Pike Lake & Vanscoy & Willow Park ColonyHowe, Bernard
Poggemiller, Shelby
7Clavet, Dundurn, Hanley & South Corman Park & Hillcrest ColonyLavoie, Rhonda
Martineau, Bernard
Spray, Michelle
8Aberdeen, Allan & Colonsay & Lost River & Riverview ColoniesRichards, Michael
Wudrick, Grace
9City of MartensvilleMacLean, Kimberly (Acclaimed)
10City of WarmanDereniwski, Adin (Acclaimed)
11Muskeg Lake Cree NationGreyeyes, Kimberly (Acclaimed)

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