I want to take a moment to thank all the School Staff Liaisons that connected with their staff to express how important it was to participate in the Rally for Public Education on April 29. Your efforts are recognized and greatly appreciated as you are a significant reason we saw more than 200 PSTA members and their family drive 5 hours on a Saturday to #MakeNoise4Ed.
It felt so energizing to be in a crowd of families and teachers gathered to share a unified message that we care and want a properly funded public education system for our kids.
The Rally for Public Education is just the beginning and I believe we are seeing a growing movement of people concerned about cuts to our children’s education.
We need to keep up momentum and there are many ways you can help.
What you can do:
- Read the STF’s News Release for Saturday’s Rally for Public Education
- Register and participate in Tell Them Tuesday
- Facts and Statistics are important, but sharing stories about how these facts affect the classroom is how we change minds and hearts. Talk to your family and neighbours to help them understand how the classroom has changed since we were students and how these changes impact the classroom.