Call for Presenters for 2022 PSTA General Assembly

On behalf of the PSTA PD Committee, I would like to extend the opportunity to all members to put forth proposals expressing their interest to present for our membership at the 2022-2023 General Assembly.  After much discussion and taking into consideration membership voice, the committee has decided to host our general assembly online with the intention of returning to in-person GA in 2023. Please keep this in mind if you are interested in presenting a breakout session, as we will be using Microsoft Teams as the platform (can be flexible if need be).

We are looking for sessions on all topics! Hot topics of the past include: assessment, technology, teacher wellness, workshop model, math, writing, cultural responsiveness, trauma informed education, MPSC, parent engagement.  These are just a few ideas, but we are open to anything! 

We have also had some specific requests for sessions.  If you feel you could lead a session in any of the following, please consider being a presenter! Interest topics include: teaching modified classes, supporting students with learning disabilities, teaching music, PAA related, leadership PD, supporting students with anxiety, outdoor education PD, Science of Reading, Teaching Writing Craft gr 7-12, play-based learning from kindergarten to grade 1, mental health. 

If you are interested in presenting, proposals to present a breakout session can be submitted through the attached form. 

As well we are considering bringing back time for subject/grade alike groups, but our thinking is that the time spent will be a bit more structured than it has been in the past.  As well, we will only provide grade/subject alike sessions with groups who have a designated facilitator. This is where we need your help! 

Our thinking is that the committee will create a “format” for the sessions to follow (similar to what staff experience during PSSD PD days), and a facilitator would keep the groups on track and guide the group through the pre-planned session.  If you are interested in facilitating a grade/subject alike session, please complete the attached form indicating the grade/ subject you would like to facilitate.  

Please submit your proposal to We will be in contact with interested parties by the end of May/ early June to confirm proposal.

General Assembly Presenter Proposal Form