
  1. Annual: Shall mean the school year.
  2. Administrator: To include principal, vice-principal, supervisor, or coordinator.
  3. Consultation: Shall mean that the input of a person or group is sought.
  4. Collaboration: Shall mean working together to achieve a goal, to share knowledge and learning, and build consensus.
  5. Contracts: All contract offers and acceptances must be in writing.
  6. FTE: Full-time equivalent.
  7. Indefinite/continuing contract: Have a starting date but no date for termination of employment. They remain in force from year to year. They may be full-time or part-time.
  8. Replacement contract: Is for one full academic year in either a full-time or part-time teaching assignment to replace a teacher who is absent for the complete year on a Board-approved leave. The contract must specify the beginning and end dates of the contract. A teacher hired on a subsequent replacement contract to replace a different teacher is deemed to be employed under an indefinite contract from the date the teacher was hired for the subsequent contract.
  9. Temporary contract: Are for periods of 20 or more consecutive days but less than one complete academic year. They are to be used to fill an unexpected vacancy or to replace a teacher absent for any reason during that period. The contract must specify the beginning and end dates.
  10. Director: Director of Education or designate
  11. Part-time teacher: On contract less than 100%
  12. PSSD: Prairie Spirit School Division, which includes the Board of Education and Division office staff.
  13. PSTA: Prairie Spirit Teachers’ Association
  14. PSTA President: To include PSTA President or designate
  15. Teacher: Any member of the PSTA and STF